TJHS Teacher Recruitment Brochure School Improvement Plan 2024 Indiana Youth Survey Calendar
The 2024 Indiana Youth Survey grades 7-12th with no Optional Modules.
Mission Statement
Lafayette Tecumseh Junior High School, in partnership with parents and the community, provides a safe, supportive, and challenging learning environment for all students. Through effective interaction, students gain knowledge and develop skills necessary to become productive, responsible citizens.
Vision Statement
To create an environment where all students and staff become the best version of themselves each and every day.
TJHS Value Statements
¨We must prepare students for high school, college and/or a career.
¨We must acknowledge and embrace the needs of the Tecumseh student in the moment and beyond.
¨We believe in the efficient use of instructional time.
¨We believe learning extends beyond the school walls and school day.
¨We must develop students who take ownership of their learning and self-advocate.
¨We must involve students in literacy; learning is not a passive activity.
¨We strive to provide every student with a well-rounded education.
¨We value the impact of positive relationships on our school-community.
Description of the school
Tecumseh Junior High School, located within the city of Lafayette, Indiana, is home to all of the 7th and 8th grade students in the Lafayette School Corporation. The Lafayette School Corporation is comprised of eight elementary schools, one intermediate school, one junior high school, and one high school.
Description of Greater Lafayette
The Greater Lafayette area has a population of over 100,000 residents. The Tecumseh school-community is best described as one of significant diversity and opportunity. Multiple manufacturing employers anchor the local economy and Higher Education is available through Purdue University and Ivy Tech State College.
Make-up Of The Student Body
There are 1,102 students enrolled in grades 7-8 with a full time faculty of 77 certified staff members and 130 staff members overall. 14% of students enrolled at Tecumseh receive High Ability programming. Over 70% of the students enrolled at Tecumseh qualify for free or reduced lunch and textbook assistance. The enrollment by ethnicity reveals that 43.7% of students are White, 29.5% Hispanic, 18.7% Black, 7.3% Multiracial, and .2% Asian, .3% American Indian. Nearly 20% of the students enrolled received Special Education services and 7% are identified as English Learners. An additional 4% of the enrollment have a Section 504 plan as well.
School Organization
Each grade level is comprised or four interdisciplinary teams. Each team contains a math, language arts, science, and social studies teacher. Team teachers share approximately 130 students between them. The location of team teacher classrooms and the lockers of the students on that team are in close proximity to each other. The close proximity reduces the amount of travel time between classes and helps foster a close connection between the team teachers and their students. The school day is organized into seven 52-minute periods with a 30-minute lunch in the middle. Specific instructional support is available to students with exceptionalities. This support includes High Ability programming, Special Education programming, and English Learner programming.
The staff at TJHS strives to provide instruction that is both rigorous and sensitive to the diverse needs of the TJHS student body. Each content-specific Professional Learning Community utilizes a teacher-created state standard aligned curriculum map. Curriculum maps outline pacing guides, learning objectives, essential questions, essential vocabulary, resources, and assessments. Students are placed in their Least Restrictive Environment based on needed support in order to achieve academic and social/emotional success. The TJHS Student Services department, in coordination with the TJHS administration, delivers periodic and pertinent social/emotional support to students throughout the school year at the Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III levels.
The TJHS school-community is supported by numerous partnerships and collaborations. These partnerships and collaborations have enabled the staff at TJHS to build its capacity to support the continuous growth of TJHS students. Below is a list of the various collaborations and partnerships that support the TJHS school-community.
·Social Emotional Support-Tippecanoe County Youth Services
·Academic Support-Purdue University GK 12 Graduate Students
·Mental Health Services-Valley Oaks Individual student case management within the school building.
·Student Safety-School Resource Officer through an MOU with the Lafayette School Department
·Student Support-United Way of Greater Lafayette
·Student Support-Junior Achievement
Additional Programming
TJHS also has additional school-wide programs and initiatives that assist with creating an environment where all students and staff become the best version of themselves each and every day.
·Common school-wide currency for positive behavior incentives
·Regular Expectations Workshops for students
·Student of the Week nominations
·Quarterly Broncho Parties for students that meet behavioral expectations
·RISE Alternative Education Opportunity
·Student Success Coordinator Position
·Staff Wellness Activities
·PLC & Team Planning Time
·New Teacher Orientation Programming
·Monthly New Teacher support meetings
·Modified RISE Teacher Evaluation System
·Math Lab